The Faculty of Civil Engineering at Yildiz Technical University consists of the Departments of Civil Engineering, Surveying Engineering, and Environmental Engineering.
The history of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is identical with the history of Yildiz Technical University. Yildiz Technical University, with its current name, mission and vision, started education in 1911 under the name of Kondüktör Mektebi Alîsi. The institution, which continued its activities under the name of Nafia Science School with the Republic, continued its activities by taking the name of Istanbul Technical School in 1937 and Istanbul State Engineering and Architecture Academy in 1969. It was renamed Yildiz University in 1982 and Yildiz Technical University in 1992, and carried out a restructuring to keep up with contemporary developments in education.
The Civil Engineering Department, whose history is identical with the history of our university, is the second most rooted Civil Engineering department as of its establishment date. Established in 1949, the Department of Surveying Engineering is proud of being the first department of our country to be established in its field. The Department of Environmental Engineering was established in 1989 in order to train engineers who produce solutions with an engineering understanding to environmental problems that have increased in the last century. Three departments, which are among the most distinguished departments of our country in their own disciplines, came together under the roof of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1992 during the structuring of our university, and continues their education, training and research activities with success.
The distinguished academic staff of our faculty convey to our students their practical experience and what they have gained from the projects they carry out within the framework of university-industry cooperation, in the light of the theoretical knowledge filtered from the national and international research projects they are involved in.
Öğrencilerimizin başarılı öğretim süreçleri sonunda, almaya hak kazandıkları mühendislik lisans diplomaları, uluslararası tanınırlığa sahiptir. Bu kapsamda Fakültemizin bölümleri eğitim programları, Avrupa Mühendislik Eğitimi Akreditasyon Ağı ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) tarafından EUR-ACE Etiketi vermeye yetkili, mühendislik programlarının akreditasyonu konusunda ulusal kalite güvence kuruluşu MÜDEK tarafından akredite edilmiştir.
Engineering undergraduate diplomas that our students are entitled to receive at the end of their successful teaching process have international recognition. In this context, the education programs of the departments of our faculty have been accredited by MUDEK, the national quality assurance institution for the accreditation of engineering programs, which is authorized to issue the EUR-ACE Label by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education.